Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Talking, waving and waterbabies

Last night we had waterbabies again. Colton loved it except for being on his back. He did better this week than he did last week though. All he wants to do is jump in the pool and throw the toy fish around. We did go under water this week. He liked that. I'm glad he likes the water so much. One less worry for mommy! His vocabulary is getting bigger every day. He is learning where his eyes, nose, mouth, hair, feet and belly button are. He is very good at finding his button and nose. He says "eyes" very well, but doesn't point to them yet. Yesterday he grabbed his hair when we asked where his hair was so he is catching on. He is trying to communicate a lot now. Once he figures out how this whole vocab thing works, I don't think he'll shut up! Wonder who he takes after? This morning when I was leaving to go to work, my mom and Colton were outside and I was waving to him saying bye bye from my car and he started waving! He never waves even though I know he can. It was the cutest thing! Tomorrow is open house for mothers day out. We are excited about that.

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