Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mother's Day Out

Yesterday was Colton's first day of Mother's Day Out. I packed him a cute lunch in his football lunchbox and we were ready to go. I had a meeting at work so I couldn't take him, so my mom took him. She said he cried when she left. I got to pick him up though and the teachers said that they all cried from about 9:30 until 10:00 and then they were fine after that. I think he will be fine and it's good for him to be around other kids his own age. He hasn't been feeling well lately. He's had a runny nose and a little cough and his eye teeth are in/coming in so he hasn't been sleeping that well the last few nights. It's been hard for me to get used to that since he has slept perfectly through the night for so long. It's just a phase and he will get back to normal quickly I am sure. Tonight is Charles's freshman game at home and then tomorrow night is the first home varsity game. Charles will be on the sidelines with the headphones on so that's a huge deal! We are very excited!! I'll post first day of school pics when I get them downloaded.

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