Friday, September 5, 2008


Last night's open house was a success. There are 7 kids in his class. 5 boys and 2 girls. Five of them have names starting with a "C". He is one of the youngest but he'll be just fine. We were the first ones there and he just went and started playing with all the toys. His teachers are sweet older ladies. He starts next Tuesday so I will be sure to let everyone know how he did. Tonight is the big game in Alvin. Thank goodness it's closer this week! Last week in Spring was pretty bad, especially since the baby fell asleep at the game but woke up when I put him in the car and never really went back to sleep very good until we got home. It stresses me out when he cries in the car. Charles got the results from his MRI on his back today and they said he has a herniated disc. His dr. is referring him to a neurologist because the disk is close to a nerve. We will know what the next step is when he goes to that dr.

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