I have been trying to hold off on feeding Ainsley real food because it's just a pain and I'm in no hurry. But she started waking up at 3:00 to eat at night so I figured it's time. We fed her rice cereal last night and Colton was very excited about it. Ainsley....not so much. She got better with it but I think she was just frustrated because she was very hungry and wasn't getting what she was used to. We will try again!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
First Food!
I have been trying to hold off on feeding Ainsley real food because it's just a pain and I'm in no hurry. But she started waking up at 3:00 to eat at night so I figured it's time. We fed her rice cereal last night and Colton was very excited about it. Ainsley....not so much. She got better with it but I think she was just frustrated because she was very hungry and wasn't getting what she was used to. We will try again!
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