The bigger Ainsley is getting the more she is loving her big brother! She will just stare at him and smile. The bigger she is getting and the more mobile she is getting means that he can play with her more and he loves to do that. "Mama, can we play with the baby?" He always asks. "I think she needs some tummy time." He says. Everytime she does something new, roll over, grab things, laugh, he gets such a kick out of it. We put her in a new bath seat recently because she loves to push up and roll over so her baby bath was too small. She loves it because she can sit up and see her big brother and he loves it because it gives him more room in the bathtub to play! He loves his baby sister!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Brother/Sister Love
The bigger Ainsley is getting the more she is loving her big brother! She will just stare at him and smile. The bigger she is getting and the more mobile she is getting means that he can play with her more and he loves to do that. "Mama, can we play with the baby?" He always asks. "I think she needs some tummy time." He says. Everytime she does something new, roll over, grab things, laugh, he gets such a kick out of it. We put her in a new bath seat recently because she loves to push up and roll over so her baby bath was too small. She loves it because she can sit up and see her big brother and he loves it because it gives him more room in the bathtub to play! He loves his baby sister!
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