Football season is in full force. Two a days started last week and we haven't seen much of Charles. He had most of this weekend off but that will be the last in a long time! I am looking forward to football season and going to the games. It's going to be interesting with a baby now but we will be fine.
Ainsley started running a fever Tuesday so I took her to the dr. They did blood work and urine sample and it came back that she has a kidney infection. They gave her a shot of antibiotics and we had to come back the next day for a second shot of antibiotics. They sent us home with a prescription for 10 days of oral antibiotics and told us to come back in 8 days to retest and see if it's cleared up. We then need to take her to get her kidneys ultrasound to make sure no permanent damage was done. Baby girl hasn't been feeling well but the antibiotics seem to be working. We go back on Thursday so I will post more then.