Monday, August 3, 2009

Colton is so funny. Some of the things that come out of his mouth are unbelievable. Yesterday we were at my mom's house and he is obsessed with her robot (roomba). He always wants to turn it on and when he does he runs up on the couch because he is scared of it. He left his little glow worm baby on the floor yesterday when he turned the roomba on and mom told him to go pick up his baby or the roomba was going to get it. He ran over and picked up the baby and jumped on the couch where I was sitting, looked at me and said, "That was close!" We cracked up! It's so fun to see his little brain working. Such a fun age!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That is too cute! My cousin's little boy is the same way with the "robot." My aunt had a baby gate in front of it by chance the other day and he was thrilled that "robot is in a cage." = )