Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Busy, Busy

Sorry it's been so long since I have posted but we have been busy, busy! Charles is on Spring Break this week so he has been watching the baby. I wanted to take at least one day off to spend with them but this is the week my newsletters are due at work so it had to be early in the week. I took Tuesday off and we did some things around the house. A couple of weeks ago we talked to a Realtor to figure out if we are ready to sell our house and buy a bigger one closer to our work. We figured out that we can afford to sell and buy right now but there are a few things we need to do around our house to get it ready to sell so we have been painting and fixing a few things here and there. Colton hasn't been feeling well lately. On Monday his fever got up to 103.4 so today Charles took him to the doctor. Turns out he has something called Herpangina? He has blisters on the back of his throat. It's viral so there isn't any medicine that they can give him but he told us to make a concoction of Maalox and Children's Benedryl and give that to him for pain. He doesn't act like it bothers him that bad. He is still able to eat really well, but when he drinks juices it hurts him so he always wants to drink milk. He has been talking up a storm lately. It's awesome to listen to him. We start waterbabies again on Tuesday. This time he is a little older so I think he will learn a lot more. I am excited about that. On March 31, Colton is taking school pictures so we have been practicing our smile. I have taken some pictures of his beautiful smile but I can't find my camera cord to upload them. When I do I will post them.

1 comment:

Mark & Beth said...

how exciting! Yall are going to move!