I went to the dr. today for my monthly checkup. I am 20 weeks today! Halfway there! They did an ultrasound to check for anatomy and everything seems to be good. She was in the breech position so they didn't get a good look at her heart or spine so they are going to try another ultrasound next month. I am loving all these ultrasounds! I only got 3 with Colton! While the tech was doing the ultrasound the baby was playing with her feet and then she put her finger in her eye! The tech verified that she was, in fact, a girl. That is the third tech to confirm it so I guess I believe it now! I showed Colton the pictures and he said it looked like a monster but he is excited about his baby sister. He wants to rock her and kiss her.
In other news, last night Colton told me he needed to poo poo in the potty so I took him to the potty and sat him down and sure enough, he pooped! He was so proud of himself! He wanted to call Nonna, Pappy, Meme, PawPaw and Markie to tell them the good news. Hopefully this potty training will continue and he will be completely trained before the baby comes.
The Chargers play Clear Creek on Thursday. This is their district rival so we are pretty pumped! It's also going to be on TV. Go Chargers!